Newsletter January 2023✨

The entire ScaleChanger team wishes you a great start to 2023!
2022 has come to an end and it is time to look back on what we achieved. Last year, we supported nearly 300 organisations (including 40 on an individual basis) in various sectors. We worked very closely with organisations focusing on women and 2023 should follow suit when it comes to address the issue of gender equality. And because funders play a major role within the social entrepreneurship ecosystem and within our activities, we would like to share with a very interesting article to avoid common problems that funders have identified in evaluating applications.
2022 in figures
2022 was marked by numerous collaborations with Foundations to co-design programmes, to support their entrepreneurs in their scaling-up challenges, but also to exchange views and experiences during public events.
Remember the conference on philanthropy and scaling-up organised at the Philanthro’Lab in the presence of the “Fondation Entreprendre” and “La Fondation la France s’engage” or the webinar (in English) with the ”Generali Foundation” as part of Catalyst Change Week.
We warmly thank all the organisations that trusted us in 2022. We are also proud to have joined the Euclid Network, and to have worked with organisations in more than 20 countries around the world.
Our commitments for 2023
In 2023, we will continue to support the scaling of social and environmental innovations in France and abroad. ScaleChanger is increasingly involved in the fight against discrimination against women, alongside organisations whose mission is intrinsically linked to gender equality. Alongside this, circular economy / environment, access to healthcare, the fight against precariousness and professional integration are other sectors of activity that we are already supporting in early 2023. The year 2023 will also be a year of development for ScaleChanger, with a growing team and a continual desire to support structures with a social and/or environmental impact in France and abroad! To be continued 😉
The resource we liked: “Why We Didn’t Fund Your Scaling Plan”

To go back to thefunders’s matter, The Stanford Social Innovation Review recently published an article on why funders refuse to fund some of the applications they receive. The authors/evaluators of impact-driven projects share 7 tips on how to maximise your chances of getting your scaling-up project funded! You can find a summary of the article on our website, or read the original article by clicking here.
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